Our Story

Carefully considered design and transparent manufacturing are the foundations of Sebright Goods. We want to make items that people love to use, and that can live to tell a tale.
Starting with a casserole otherwise known as a Dutch oven, we are proud to be making cookware here in the UK, using skills this country has had for centuries, but that have dwindled in recent decades.
Our enamelled cast iron cookware is made by two British manufacturers, with a combined history of more than three hundred years. While some processes have been automated over time, it remains a very manual operation. One pan will go through as many as twenty hands while it’s being made. It’s hot, heavy work that requires skill and patience. We reckon that deserves to be celebrated.

The backstory
The ‘we’ in this story is Jess and Nick: partners in life, and now business. Sebright Goods began as a seed of an idea in one of the lockdowns of 2020. Probably during one of the many over-the-top meals we cooked to fill our evenings, although time was a blur back then, so we couldn’t tell you exactly when. To be honest, many ideas got chucked around during those months, but this one just seemed to stick. A combination of curiosity and time on our hands led us down a rabbit hole of industrial history and we were intrigued by the lack of cookware made in the UK nowadays. Before we knew it, our little idea turned into drawings, which turned into a 3D print, which turned into an actual cast iron pan, and suddenly we were in too deep to stop.

Taking the slow lane
Despite a fast start, it’s been a slow journey: tinkering away over the best part of three years while still working our day jobs. Over this time, we’ve realised that quality requires patience, so we’re happy to take the slow lane.

Where does Sebright come from?
The full story is a funny one, best told over a glass of wine. The short story is: a few places around our home in East London are called Sebright something-or-other, named after a man called William Seabright, who was town clerk of London in 1574 and a philanthropist who worked hard to improve the lives of Londoners. At some stage, his name was spelled incorrectly. We liked this link back to our local community, and so Sebright Goods it was.